Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    4 March 2014BEEHAVE: A systems model of honeybee colony dynamics and foraging to explore multifactorial causes of colony failure  Becher, MA; Grimm, V; Thorbek, P; et al.
    16 September 2016BEESCOUT: A model of bee scouting behaviour and a software tool for characterizing nectar/pollen landscapes for BEEHAVE.  Becher, MA; Grimm, V; Knapp, J; et al.
    18 December 2018Bombus terrestris in a mass‐flowering pollinator‐dependent crop: A mutualistic relationship? (article)  Knapp, J; Becher, MA; Rankin, C; et al.
    1 January 2018Bumble-BEEHAVE: A systems model for exploring multifactorial causes of bumblebee decline at individual, colony, population and community level  Becher, MA; Twiston-Davies, G; Penny, TD; et al.
    18 August 2020Honey bee colony performance affected by crop diversity and farmland structure: a modeling framework  Horn, J; Becher, MA; Johst, K; et al.
    28 October 2020Long-term effects of antibiotic treatments on honeybee colony fitness – a modelling approach  Bulson, L; Becher, MA; McKinley, TJ; et al.
    9 May 2017Modelling effects of honeybee behaviors on the distribution of pesticide in nectar within a hive and resultant in-hive exposure  Rumkee, JCO; Becher, MA; Thorbek, P; et al.
    9 November 2015Multiple stressors: using the honeybee model BEEHAVE to explore how spatial and temporal forage stress affects colony resilience  Horn, J; Becher, MA; Kennedy, PJ; et al.
    3 November 2015Predicting honeybee colony failure: using the BEEHAVE model to simulate colony responses to pesticides  Rumkee, Jack C.O.; Becher, MA; Thorbek, P; et al.
    24 October 2016Predictive systems models can help elucidate bee declines driven by multiple combined stressors  Henry, M; Becher, MA; Osborne, JL; et al.
    22 March 2024Resource gaps pose the greatest threat for bumblebees during the colony establishment phase (article)  Becher, MA; Twiston-Davies, G; Osborne, JL; et al.
    10 June 2013REVIEW: Towards a systems approach for understanding honeybee decline: a stocktaking and synthesis of existing models  Becher, MA; Osborne, JL; Thorbek, P; et al.