Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    2012The Build-up to Eruptive Solar Events Viewed as the Development of Chiral Systems  Martin, Sara F.; Panasenco, Olga; Berger, M.A.; et al.
    8 February 1993Energy-crossing number relations for braided magnetic fields  Berger, M.A.
    28 April 2010The evaluation of directionally writhing polymers  Prior, C.B.; Berger, M.A.
    8 May 2014The evolution of writhe in kink-unstable flux ropes and erupting filaments  Torok, T.; Kliem, B.; Berger, M.A.; et al.
    20 October 2014Helicity, linking, and writhe in a spherical geometry  Campbell, Jack; Berger, M.A.
    2 September 2014Magnetic Helicity, Tilt, and Twist  Pevtsov, Alexei A.; Berger, M.A.; Nindos, A.; et al.
    9 February 2014On the effective strain tensor in heterogeneous materials  Berger, M.A.; Evans, Kenneth E; Smith, Christopher W.
    6 May 2014On the Relationship Between Photospheric Footpoint Motions and Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions  van Ballegooijen, A.A.; Asgari-Targhi, M.; Berger, M.A.
    12 August 2005Photospheric flux density of magnetic helicity  Pariat, E.; Démoulin, P.; Berger, M.A.
    2009Self-Organized Braiding and the Structure of Coronal Loops  Berger, M.A.; Asgari-Targhi, M.
    1 January 2015Self-organized braiding in solar coronal loops  Berger, M.A.; Asgari-Targhi, M.; DeLuca, E.E.
    2009Simulated Optimisation of Disordered Structures with negative Poisson’s ratios  Horrigan, E.J.; Smith, Christopher W.; Scarpa, F.; et al.
    2006What is the spatial distribution of magnetic helicity injected in a solar active region?  Pariat, E.; Nindos, A.; Démoulin, P.; et al.
    2009Writhe in the Stretch-Twist-Fold Dynamo  Asgari-Targhi, M.; Berger, M.A.
    2010The writhe of helical structures in the solar corona  Torok, T.; Berger, M.A.; Kliem, B.