Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    12 December 2019Assessing and visualising hazard impacts to enhance the resilience of Critical Infrastructures to urban flooding  Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, L; Chen, A; Khoury, M; et al.
    21 May 2018Assessing real options in urban surface water flood risk management under climate change  Liu, H; Wang, Y; Zhang, C; et al.
    14 May 2019Assessing the knock-on effects of flooding on road transportation (dataset)  Pyatkova, K; Chen, A; Butler, D; et al.
    13 September 2023The changing relationship between Cholera and interannual climate variables in Kolkata over the past century  Shackleton, D; Memon, FA; Chen, A; et al.
    4 November 2023A combined stability function to quantify flood risks to pedestrians and vehicle occupants  Evans, B; Lam, A; West, C; et al.
    16 October 2014Evidence for a weakening relationship between interannual temperature variability and northern vegetation activity.  Piao, S; Nan, H; Huntingford, C; et al.
    30 September 2017How different cultures look at faces depends on the interpersonal context  Gobel, MS; Chen, A; Richardson, DC
    4 June 2018An integrated framework for high-resolution urban flood modelling considering multiple information sources and urban features  Wang, Y; Chen, A; Fu, G; et al.
    16 April 2020Interlinking Bristol Based Models to Build Resilience to Climate Change  Stevens, J; Henderson, R; Webber, J; et al.
    23 May 2020Modelling seawater intrusion in the Pingtung coastal aquifer in Taiwan, under the influence of sea-level rise and changing abstraction regime  Dibaj, M; Javadi, A; Akrami, M; et al.
    2 September 2023Seasonality of cholera in Kolkata and the influence of climate  Shackleton, D; Economou, T; Memon, FA; et al.
    19 December 2018A Serious Game Designed to Explore and Understand the Complexities of Flood Mitigation Options in Urban–Rural Catchments  Khoury, M; Gibson, MJ; Savic, D; et al.
    17 October 2022Service supply chain resilience: A social-ecological perspective on last-mile delivery operations  Lin, Y; Chen, A; Zhong, S; et al.
    7 July 2022A stochastic sewer model to quantify health risks to residents from sewer flooding with quantitative microbial risk assessment  Addison-Atkinson, W; Chen, A; Memon, F; et al.
    29 May 2016System-focused risk identification and assessment for disaster preparedness: Dynamic threat analysis  Powell, JH; Mustafee, N; Chen, A; et al.