Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    10 January 2013A blood gene expression marker of early Alzheimer's disease.  Lunnon, Katie; Sattlecker, M; Furney, SJ; et al.
    1 January 2014Clusterin regulates β-amyloid toxicity via Dickkopf-1-driven induction of the wnt-PCP-JNK pathway  Killick, R; Ribe, EM; Al-Shawi, R; et al.
    15 June 2012Functional annotation of the human brain methylome identifies tissue-specific epigenetic variation across brain and blood  Davies, Matthew N.; Volta, M; Pidsley, R; et al.
    25 February 2012Mitochondrial dysfunction and immune activation are detectable in early Alzheimer's disease blood  Lunnon, Katie; Ibrahim, Z; Proitsi, P; et al.
    7 January 2017Mitochondrial genes are altered in blood early in Alzheimer's disease  Lunnon, K; Keohane, A; Pidsley, R; et al.
    24 September 2012Plasma based markers of [11C] PiB-PET brain amyloid burden.  Kiddle, SJ; Thambisetty, M; Simmons, A; et al.
    1 November 2014Plasma proteins predict conversion to dementia from prodromal disease.  Hye, A; Riddoch-Contreras, J; Baird, AL; et al.