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dc.contributor.authorGehrels, Roland. Wen_GB
dc.contributor.authorHendon, Dawnen_GB
dc.contributor.authorCharman, Dan J.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis study describes the distribution of testate amoebae in three North American East Coast salt marshes (Leipsic River marsh, Delaware, USA; Little River marsh, Maine, USA; and Little Dipper Harbour marsh, New Brunswick, Canada). Five zones are recognized in the high salt marsh. With increasing marine influence, these zones are characterized by the following succession of dominant taxa: Valkanovia elegans, Tracheleuglypha dentata, Centropyxis cassis type, C. platystoma type and Difflugia pristis type. Most species occur in all three marshes, and their general vertical distribution is comparable. The results are also comparable with those obtained from British salt marshes, suggesting that salt-marsh testate amoebae have similar distributions on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The precision of the sea-level indicative value of testate amoebae in fossil salt-marsh sediments is a function of the local mean tidal range (MTR). Results of this study show that testate amoebae can indicate former sea levels with a precision of ±0.04 m in the Leipsic River marsh (MTR = 1.75 m), ±0.09 m in the Little River marsh (MTR = 2.6 m), and ±0.18 m in the Little Dipper marsh (MTR = 5.8 m).en_GB
dc.identifier.citationThe Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2006, 36 (3); pp. 201-214en_GB
dc.publisherCushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Researchen_GB
dc.subjecttestate amoebaeen_GB
dc.subjectNorth American East Coasten_GB
dc.subjectsalt marshesen_GB
dc.titleDistribution of testate amoebae in salt marshes along the North American East Coasten_GB
dc.descriptionReproduced with permission of the publisher. © 2006 Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Researchen_GB
dc.identifier.journalThe Journal of Foraminiferal Researchen_GB

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