Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    27 January 2013Art Mapping in Paris  Carletti, L; Price, D; Sinker, R; et al.
    1 December 2014ArtMaps  Giannachi, G; Sinker, R; Stack, J; et al.
    27 April 2015ArtMaps: A Technology for Looking at Tate's Collection  Giannachi, G; Sinker, R; Stack, J; et al.
    1 April 2015ArtMaps: interpreting the spatial footprints of artworks  Coughlan, T; Carletti, L; Giannachi, G; et al.
    2011CloudPad - a cloud-based documentation and archiving tool for mixed reality artworks  Giannachi, G; Lowood, H; Rowland, D; et al.
    13 April 2013Digital humanities and crowdsourcing: an exploration  Carletti, L; Giannachi, G; Price, D; et al.
    2010The documentation and archiving of mixed media experiences: the case of Rider Spoke  Giannachi, G; Rowland, D; Benford, S; et al.