Now showing items 41-48 of 48

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 September 2016ExCCC-DCN: A Highly Scalable, Cost-Effective and Engergy-Efficient Data Center Stucture  Zhang, Z; Deng, Y; Min, G; et al.
    13 August 2004Experimental Comparison of Classification Uncertainty for Randomised and Bayesian Decision Tree Ensembles  Schetinin, Vitaly; Partridge, Derek; Krzanowski, Wojtek J.; et al.
    16 August 2019Explanations for Query Answers under Existential Rules  Ceylan, II; Lukasiewicz, T; Malizia, E; et al.
    27 March 2024Exploring correlations in multi-objective optimization  Tusar, T; Brockhoff, D; Fieldsend, J; et al.
    8 March 2022Exploring investment strategies for federated learning infrastructure in medical care  Xing, J; Zhang, X; Jiang, Z; et al.
    1 January 2024Exploring the Uncertainty of Approximated Fitness Landscapes via Gaussian Process Realisations  Karatas, MD; Goodfellow, M; Fieldsend, JE
    6 October 2016Extensional and intensional collectives and the de re/de dicto distinction  Galton, AP; Wood, ZM
    15 December 2015Extracting causal rules from spatio-temporal data  Galton, A; Duckham, M; Both, A