Now showing items 1-20 of 50

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    25 September 2019Echo State Networks with Self-Normalizing Activations on the Hyper-Sphere  Verzelli, P; Alippi, C; Livi, L
    31 July 2020Edge Learning for Surveillance Video Uploading Sharing in Public Transport Systems  Cui, L; Su, D; Zhou, Y; et al.
    1 July 2013Edges of Mutually Non-dominating Sets  Everson, Richard M.; Walker, David J.; Fieldsend, Jonathan E.
    14 August 2022Efficient approximation of expected hypervolume improvement using Gauss-Hermite quadrature  Rahat, A; Chugh, T; Fieldsend, J; et al.
    19 May 2018Efficient Identification of TOP-K Heavy Hitters over Sliding Windows  Tang, H; Wu, Y; Li, T; et al.
    10 November 2014Efficient k-means++ approximation with MapReduce  Xu, Yujie; Qu, Wenyu; Li, Zhiyang; et al.
    20 December 2014Efficient Learning of Pre-attentive Steering in a Driving School Framework  Rudzits, Reinis; Pugeault, N
    8 November 2016Efficient Nondomination Level Update Method for Steady-State Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization  Li, K; Deb, K; Zhang, Q; et al.
    13 July 2019Efficient Real-Time Hypervolume Estimation with Monotonically Reducing Error  Fieldsend, JE
    31 October 2019Efficient Transmission in Multi-user Relay Networks with Node Clustering and Network Coding  Li, X; Wang, C; Wang, P; et al.
    1 December 2014Efficient unknown tag identification protocols in large-scale RFID systems  Liu, X; Li, K; Min, G; et al.
    12 July 2014Efficiently identifying pareto solutions when objective values change  Fieldsend, Jonathan E.; Everson, Richard M.
    18 March 2015Elite Accumulative Sampling Strategies for Noisy Multi-Objective Optimisation  Fieldsend, Jonathan E.
    18 November 2016Embracing corruption burstiness: Fast error recovery for ZigBee under wi-Fi interference  Zhao, Z; Dong, W; Chen, G; et al.
    6 December 2019Emerging Topics in Textual Modelling  Brucker, AD; Daniel, G; Gogolla, M; et al.
    13 July 2019EMOCS: evolutionary multi-objective optimisation for clinical scorecard generation  Fraser, D; Keedwell, EC; Michell, S; et al.
    24 August 2022Emotional profiling and cognitive networks unravel how mainstream and alternative press framed AstraZeneca, Pfizer and COVID-19 vaccination campaigns  Semeraro, A; Vilella, S; Ruffo, G; et al.
    1 August 2023Empirical Investigation of MOEAs for Multi-objective Design of Experiments  Evans, A; Chugh, T
    1 March 2017Empirical Investigations of Reference Point Based Methods When Facing a Massively Large Number of Objectives: First Results  Li, K; Deb, K; Altinoz, T; et al.
    20 July 2016Enabling dominance resistance in visualisable distance-based many-objective problems  Fieldsend, Jonathan E.