Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    29 August 20192D Coupled CFD model of and Oscillating Water Column using PROTEUS  Richards, B; Dimakopoulos, A; Kees, C; et al.
    25 October 2016Combining Tidal Energy Yield Uncertainties  Shah, S; Buckland, H; Thies, PR; et al.
    20 August 2018Coupled modelling of a non-linear wave energy converter and hydraulic PTO  Worden Hodge, C; Bateman, W; Yuan, Z; et al.
    26 January 2023Cross-sectorial learning of model testing methodologies aligned to technology TRL  Leite, AN; Davey, T; Dai, D; et al.
    20 June 2017De-Risking marine energy project development through improved financial uncertainty analysis  Shah, S; Buckland, H; Thies, PR; et al.
    1 December 2016Experimental and CFD analysis of the wake characteristics of tidal turbines  Gebreslassie, MG; Sanchez, SO; Tabor, GR; et al.
    27 August 2017First Steps toward a Multi-Parameter Optimisation Tool for Floating Tidal Platforms – Assessment of an LCoE-Based Site Selection Methodology  McDowell, J; Jeffcoate, P; Khorasanchi, M; et al.
    28 October 2017Re-creation of site-specific multi-directional waves with non-collinear current  Draycott, S; Noble, DR; Davey, T; et al.
    8 July 2017Reliability and O&M sensitivity analysis as a consequence of site specific characteristics for wave energy converters  Gray, A; Dickens, B; Bruce, T; et al.