Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    8 July 2018Investigating Human Hip Dislocation Using a Three-Dimensional Finite Element Human Hip Model  Craig, K; Akrami, M; Javadi, A; et al.
    29 July 2021Investigating osteoarthritis in the human hip using three-dimensional finite element models  Osborne, JI; Zamani, R; Craig, K; et al.
    15 March 2019A three-dimensional finite element analysis of the human hip  Akrami, M; Craig, K; DIBAJ, M; et al.
    10 July 2018Towards investigating the implications of joint incongruity on the elbow joint using a 3D image-based finite element modelling  Charnley, J; Akrami, M; Javadi, A; et al.