Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    5 October 2016Exciton and trion dynamics in atomically thin MoSe2 and WSe2: effect of localization  Godde, T; Schmidt, D; Schmutzler, J; et al.
    8 October 2015Exciton-polaritons in van der Waals heterostructures embedded in tunable microcavities.  Dufferwiel, S; Schwarz, S; Withers, F; et al.
    7 February 2013III-V quantum light source and cavity-QED on silicon.  Luxmoore, IJ; Toro, R; Del Pozo-Zamudio, O; et al.
    2 February 2015Light-emitting diodes by band-structure engineering in van der Waals heterostructures  Withers, F; Del Pozo-Zamudio, O; Mishchenko, A; et al.
    10 November 2015WSe₂ Light-Emitting Tunneling Transistors with Enhanced Brightness at Room Temperature.  Withers, F; Del Pozo-Zamudio, O; Schwarz, S; et al.