Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    13 May 2018A > 3000 suns high concentrator photovoltaic design based on multiple Fresnel lens primaries focusing to one central solar cell  Shanks, K; Ferrer-Rodriguez, JP; Fernández, EF; et al.
    23 February 2015Analytical modelling of high concentrator photovoltaic modules based on atmospheric parameters  Fernández, EF; Almonacid, F; Mallick, TK; et al.
    6 September 2017Design and characterization of refractive secondary optical elements for a point-focus Fresnel lens-based high CPV system  Ferrer-Rodríguez, JP; Baig, H; Riverola, A; et al.
    9 January 2020Modelling photovoltaic soiling losses through optical characterization  Smestad, GP; Germer, TA; Alrashidi, H; et al.
    14 July 2017Optical modeling of four Fresnel-based high-CPV units  Ferrer-Rodríguez, JP; Baig, H; Fernández, EF; et al.
    1 September 2016Scalable solar thermoelectrics and photovoltaics (SUNTRAP)  Sweet, TKN; Rolley, M; Min, G; et al.