Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 September 2015Locating pipe bursts in a District Metered Area via online hydraulic modelling  Okeya, I; Hutton, C; Kapelan, Z
    1 January 2014Online burst detection in a water distribution system using the Kalman filter and hydraulic modelling  Okeya, I; Kapelan, Zoran; Hutton, C; et al.
    23 April 2014Online modelling of water distribution system using Data Assimilation  Okeya, I; Kapelan, Z; Hutton, C; et al.
    1 September 2015Real-time burst detection in Water Distribution Systems using a Bayesian demand forecasting methodology  Hutton, C; Kapelan, Z
    17 December 2014Using smart meters for household water consumption feedback: Knowns and unknowns  Sønderlund, AL; Smith, JR; Hutton, C; et al.