Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    21 December 2015Assessing riverine threats to heritage assets posed by future climate change through a geomorphological approach and predictive modelling in the Derwent Valley Mills WHS, UK  Howard, AJ; Knight, D; Coulthard, T; et al.
    7 January 2019Bacterial diversity in typical abandoned multi-contaminated nonferrous metal(loid) tailings during natural attenuation  Liu, J-L; Yao, J; Wang, F; et al.
    1 January 2015Current status and developing recommendations of tailings dam failure  Wang, K; Yang, P; Hudson-Edwards, K; et al.
    17 April 2018Dissolved Mn(III) in water treatment works: Prevalence and significance  Johnson, KL; McCann, CM; Wilkinson, J-L; et al.
    25 January 2018Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Microbiology of Molybdenum in Mining-Affected Environments  Frascoli, F; Hudson-Edwards, K
    16 January 2018Influence of pH and Temperature on Basaluminite Dissolution Rates  Acero, P; Hudson-Edwards, K
    16 August 2018Integration of DSM and SPH to Model Tailings Dam Failure Run-Out Slurry Routing Across 3D Real Terrain  Wang, K; Yang, P; Hudson-Edwards, K; et al.
    5 October 2018Mining and Planetary Health: A GeoHealth-Led Special Collection  Hudson-Edwards, K
    4 March 2019Origin and fate of Vanadium in the Hazeltine Creek Catchment following the 2014 Mount Polley mine tailings spill, British Columbia, Canada  Hudson-Edwards, K; Byrne, P; Birkd, G; et al.
    28 September 2020True cost of coal: coal mining industry and its associated environmental impacts on water resource development  Masood, N; Hudson-Edwards, K; Farooqi, A
    1 May 2019Uptake and release of arsenic and antimony in alunite-jarosite and beudantite group minerals  Hudson-Edwards, K
    31 January 2018Water quality impacts and river system recovery following the 2014 Mount Polley mine tailings dam spill, British Columbia, Canada  Byrne, P; Hudson-Edwards, K; Bird, G; et al.