Now showing items 1-20 of 32

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    9 October 2013Arsenic-microbe-mineral interactions in mining-affected environments  Hudson-Edwards, KA; Santini, JM
    7 September 2019Bacterial shifts during in-situ mineralization bio-treatment to non-ferrous metal(loid) tailings  Liu, J-L; Yao, J; Duran, R; et al.
    20 September 2020Bioleaching to reprocess sulfidic polymetallic primary mining residues: Determination of metal leaching mechanisms  Hubau, A; Guezennec, A-G; Joulian, C; et al.
    8 July 2020Characteristics and mechanisms of Pb(II) sorption onto Fe-rich waste water treatment residue (WTR): A potential sustainable Pb immobilisation technology for soils  Finlay, NC; Peacock, CL; Hudson-Edwards, KA; et al.
    9 November 2020Characterization of Mining-Related Aromatic Contaminants in Active and Abandoned Metal(loid) Tailings Ponds  Zhang, Y; Wang, F; Hudson-Edwards, KA; et al.
    22 August 2018China’s most typical nonferrous organic-metal facilities own specific microbial communities  Liu, J-L; Yao, J; Wang, F; et al.
    8 June 2017Community exposure and vulnerability to water quality and availability: a case study in the mining-affected Pazña Municipality, Lake Poopó Basin, Bolivian Altiplano  French, M; Alem, N; Edwards, SJ; et al.
    11 March 2017Coupling effect of Fe3+(aq) and biological, nano-sized FeS-coated limestone on the removal of redox-sensitive contaminants (As, Sb and Cr): Implications for in situ passive treatment of acid mine drainage  Zhou, L; Dong, F; Liu, J; et al.
    6 June 2018Dissolution of realgar by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in the presence and absence of zerovalent iron: Implications for remediation of iron-deficient realgar tailings  Fan, L; Zhao, F; Liu, J; et al.
    3 February 2016Effect of desferrioxamine B and Suwannee River fulvic acid on Fe(III) release and Cr(III) desorption from goethite  Stewart, AG; Hudson-Edwards, KA; Dubbin, WE
    1 July 2021Elasticity of selected icy satellite candidate materials (CO2, C6H6, MgSO4·7H2O and CaSO4·2H2O) revisited by dispersion corrected density functional theory  Meusburger, JM; Hudson-Edwards, KA; Tang, CC; et al.
    27 December 2020Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Microbiology of Cobalt in Mining-Affected Environments  Ziwa, G; Crane, R; Hudson-Edwards, KA
    26 May 2021Groundwater nitrate and fluoride profiles, sources and health risk assessment in the coal mining areas of Salt Range, Punjab Pakistan  Masood, N; Hudson-Edwards, KA; Farooqi, A
    30 August 2017In situ arsenic oxidation and sorption by a Fe-Mn binary oxide waste in soil  McCann, CM; Peacock, CL; Hudson-Edwards, KA; et al.
    16 February 2016Industrial mining heritage and the legacy of environmental pollution in the Derbyshire Derwent catchment: Quantifying contamination at a regional scale and developing integrated strategies for management of the wider historic environment  Kossoff, D; Hudson-Edwards, KA; Howard, AJ; et al.
    19 October 2015Influence of pH and temperature on alunite dissolution: Rates, products and insights on mechanisms from atomistic simulation  Acero, P; Hudson-Edwards, KA; Gale, JD
    1 January 2017Introduction to redox-reactive minerals in natural systems and clean technologies  Ahmed, IAM; Hudson-Edwards, KA
    18 August 2020Legacy iron and steel wastes in the UK: Extent, resource potential, and management futures  Riley, AL; MacDonald, JM; Burke, IT; et al.
    7 October 2014Mine tailings dams: Characteristics, failure, environmental impacts, and remediation  Kossoff, D; Dubbin, WE; Alfredsson, M; et al.
    19 January 2015Mine waste characterization, management and remediation  Hudson-Edwards, KA; Dold, B