Now showing items 1-20 of 24

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    9 December 2020Base metal sulphide geochemistry of southern African mantle eclogites (Roberts Victor): Implications for cratonic mafic magmatism and metallogenesis  Hughes, HSR; Compton-Jones, C; McDonald, I; et al.
    1 July 2015Contrasting mechanisms for crustal sulphur contamination of mafic magma: evidence from dyke and sill complexes from the British Palaeogene Igneous Province  Hughes, HSR; Boyce, AJ; McDonald, I; et al.
    29 August 2020Different melt source regions for the volcanics of the bushveld large igneous province: New observations from MELTS modeling of the palaeoproterozoic Rooiberg Group (South Africa)  Jolayemi, OO; Robb, L; Lenhardt, N; et al.
    11 March 2019Distinct sulfur saturation histories within the Palaeogene Magilligan Sill, Northern Ireland: Implications for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation in the North Atlantic Igneous Province  Lindsay, JJ; Hughes, HSR; Smyth, D; et al.
    1 September 2014Enriched lithospheric mantle keel below the Scottish margin of the North Atlantic Craton: Evidence from the Palaeoproterozoic Scourie Dyke Swarm and mantle xenoliths  Hughes, HSR; McDonald, I; Goodenough, KM; et al.
    6 July 2013Enrichment of Rare Earth Elements during magmatic and post-magmatic processes: a case study from the Loch Loyal Syenite Complex, northern Scotland  Walters, AS; Goodenough, KM; Hughes, HSR; et al.
    2 March 2019An evaluation of element mobility in the Modderfontein ultramafic complex, Johannesburg: Origin as an Archaean ophiolite fragment or greenstone belt remnant?  Guice, GL; McDonald, I; Hughes, HSR; et al.
    30 November 2020Exploring the link between employer needs, employability and postgraduate module design in a contemporary mining education framework  Steiner, B; Hughes, HSR
    4 October 2021From Continent to Ocean: Investigating the Multi-Element and Precious Metal Geochemistry of the Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province Using Machine Learning Tools  Lindsay, JJ; Hughes, HSR; Yeomans, CM; et al.
    26 May 2014The geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Paleoproterozoic du Chef dyke swarm, Québec, Canada  Ciborowski, TJR; Kerr, AC; McDonald, I; et al.
    3 April 2017Goldilocks or Plain Jane? The PGE metallogeny of the Bushveld LIP as recorded by the Rooiberg lavas  Hughes, HSR; Tanner, D; McDonald, I; et al.
    8 May 2017Homogenisation of sulphide inclusions within diamonds: A new approach to diamond inclusion geochemistry  McDonald, I; Hughes, HSR; Butler, IB; et al.
    2 April 2016Lamprophyric dykes in the Bushveld Complex: the lithospheric mantle and its metallogenic bearing on the Bushveld large igneous province  Hughes, HSR; Kinnaird, JA; McDonald, I; et al.
    18 November 2020A machine learning approach for regional geochemical data: Platinum-group element geochemistry vs geodynamic settings of the North Atlantic Igneous Province  Lindsay, JJ; Hughes, HSR; Yeomans, CM; et al.
    12 August 2020Mineralization in Layered Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions  Hughes, HSR; Andersen, JCØ; O'Driscoll, B
    1 August 2015North Atlantic Craton Conference: Preface to the thematic issue of Mineralogical Magazine  McDonald, I; Hughes, HSR; Goodenough, KM
    31 December 2021Origin of ultramafic–mafic bodies on the Isles of Lewis and Harris (Scotland, UK): Constraints on the Archean–Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, North Atlantic Craton  Guice, GL; Miocevich, SR; Hughes, HSR; et al.
    31 July 2020Platinum-group element and Au geochemistry of Late Archean to Proterozoic calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia  Choi, E; Fiorentini, ML; Hughes, HSR; et al.
    2 August 2021Platinum-group element geochemistry of the Paraná flood basalts – modelling metallogenesis in rifting continental plume environments  Lindsay, JJ; Andersen, JCØ; Hughes, HSR; et al.
    1 September 2015Platinum-group element signatures in the North Atlantic Igneous Province: Implications for mantle controls on metal budgets during continental breakup  Hughes, HSR; McDonald, I; Kerr, AC