Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    19 April 2022Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 million years.  Weber, ME; Bailey, I; Hemming, SR; et al.
    24 July 2017Deglacial changes in flow and frontal structure through the Drake Passage  Roberts, J; McCave, IN; McClymont, EL; et al.
    20 June 2022Episodes of early Pleistocene West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat recorded by Iceberg Alley sediments  Bailey, I; Hemming, S; Reilly, BT; et al.
    19 January 2016Evolution of South Atlantic density and chemical stratification across the last deglaciation  Roberts, J; Gottschalk, J; Skinner, LC; et al.
    1 August 2019Expedition 382 Preliminary Report: Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics  Weber, ME; Raymo, ME; Peck, VL; et al.
    20 May 2021Expedition 382 summary  Weber, ME; Raymo, ME; Peck, VL; et al.
    5 January 2018"Live" (stained) benthic foraminiferal living depths, stable isotopes, and taxonomy offshore South Georgia, Southern Ocean: Implications for calcification depths  Dejardin, R; Kender, S; Allen, CS; et al.