Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    6 December 2016Annually resolved North Atlantic marine climate over the last millennium  Reynolds, DJ; Scourse, JD; Halloran, PR; et al.
    15 October 2013Biotic and human vulnerability to projected changes in ocean biogeochemistry over the 21st century  Mora, C; Wei, C-L; Rollo, A; et al.
    19 December 2014IMarNet: An ocean biogeochemistry model intercomparison project within a common physical ocean modelling framework  Kwiatkowski, L; Yool, A; Allen, JI; et al.
    16 November 2021The importance of 1.5°C warming for the Great Barrier Reef  McWhorter, JK; Halloran, PR; Roff, G; et al.
    12 May 2016Inconsistent strategies to spin up models in CMIP5: Implications for ocean biogeochemical model performance assessment  Séférian, R; Gehlen, M; Bopp, L; et al.
    29 September 2018Isolating and Reconstructing Key Components of North Atlantic Ocean Variability From a Sclerochronological Spatial Network  Reynolds, DJ; Hall, IR; Slater, SM; et al.
    30 July 2015The mechanisms of North Atlantic CO2 uptake in a large Earth System Model ensemble  Halloran, PR; Booth, BBB; Jones, CD; et al.
    20 January 2020Natural drivers of multidecadal Arctic sea ice variability over the last millennium  Halloran, PR; Hall, IR; Menary, M; et al.
    26 November 2020A new method for isolating and analysing coccospheres within sediment  Langley, B; Halloran, PR; Power, A; et al.
    17 May 2016On which timescales do gas transfer velocities control North Atlantic CO2 flux variability?  Couldrey, MP; Oliver, KIC; Yool, A; et al.
    18 August 2019Reconciling Observation and Model Trends in North Atlantic Surface CO2  Lebehot, AD; Halloran, PR; Watson, AJ; et al.
    5 October 2017Reconstructing past seasonal to multi-centennial scale variability in the NE Atlantic Ocean using the long-lived marine bivalve mollusc Glycymeris glycymeris  Reynolds, DJ; Hall, IR; Slater, S; et al.
    5 October 2017Reconstructing past seasonal to multi-centennial scale variability in the NE Atlantic Ocean using the long-lived marine bivalve mollusc Glycymeris glycymeris  Reynolds, DJ; Hall, IR; Slater, S; et al.
    15 October 2021S2P3-R v2.0: computationally efficient modelling of shelf seas on regional to global scales  Halloran, PR; McWhorter, JK; Arellano Nava, B; et al.