Now showing items 21-24 of 24

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    16 January 2019Standards for distribution models in biodiversity assessments  Araújo, MB; Anderson, RP; Barbosa, AM; et al.
    19 February 2020The status of Clibanarius erythropus after a recent range expansion to Great Britain, with the highest latitude recording of a gravid individual  Patterson, C; Slater, M; Early, R; et al.
    2 April 2018Sweet flowers are slow and weeds make haste: anthropogenic dispersal of plants via garden and construction soil  Robinson, B; Bennie, J; Early, R; et al.
    29 January 2021Understanding the combined impacts of weeds and climate change on crops  Vilà, M; Beaury, EM; Blumenthal, DM; et al.