Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    30 December 2016Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles?  Rees, AF; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; Barata, PCR; et al.
    30 December 2016Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles?  Rees, AF; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; Barata, PCR; et al.
    14 May 2014Big catch, little sharks: Insight into Peruvian small-scale longline fisheries.  Doherty, PD; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; Hodgson, DJ; et al.
    11 June 2020Coexisting in the Peruvian Amazon: Interactions between fisheries and river dolphins  Campbell, E; Mangel, J; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; et al.
    3 July 2018Distribution and habitat use of a cryptic small cetacean, the Burmeister's porpoise, monitored from a small-scale fishery platform  Clay, TA; Mangel, JC; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; et al.
    11 July 2018Illuminating gillnets to save seabirds and the potential for multi-taxa bycatch mitigation  Mangel, JC; Wang, J; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; et al.
    8 March 2016Reducing green turtle bycatch in small-scale fisheries using illuminated gillnets: The Cost of Saving a Sea Turtle  Mangel, Jeffrey Charles; Ortiz, N; Wang, J; et al.
    9 January 2018Remote electronic monitoring as a potential alternative to on-board observers in small-scale fisheries  Mangel, JC; Bartholomew, DC; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; et al.