Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    28 October 2011Determining the evolutionary history of gene families  Ames, RM; Money, D; Ghatge, VP; et al.
    20 June 2011Diversification at Transcription Factor Binding Sites within a Species and the Implications for Environmental Adaptation  Ames, RM; Lovell, SC
    21 July 2010Gene Duplication and Environmental Adaptation within Yeast Populations  Ames, RM; Rash, BM; Hentges, KE; et al.
    1 August 2016Gene-obesogenic environment interactions in the UK Biobank study  Tyrrell, J; Yaghootkar, H; Beaumont, R; et al.
    24 April 2020Identifying Candida albicans Gene Networks Involved in Pathogenicity  Thomas, G; Bain, JM; Budge, S; et al.
    12 June 2014Inferring Gene Family Histories in Yeast Identifies Lineage Specific Expansions  Ames, RM; Money, D; Lovell, SC
    3 May 2013Modular Biological Function Is Most Effectively Captured by Combining Molecular Interaction Data Types  Ames, RM; MacPherson, JI; Pinney, JW; et al.
    23 August 2017Rapid functional and evolutionary changes follow gene duplication in yeast  Naseeb, S; Ames, RM; Delneri, D; et al.
    11 August 2020Three related enzymes in Candida albicans achieve arginine- and agmatine-dependent metabolism that is essential for growth and fungal virulence  Schaefer, K; Wagener, J; Ames, RM; et al.