Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    30 December 2016Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles?  Rees, AF; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; Barata, PCR; et al.
    30 December 2016Are we working towards global research priorities for management and conservation of sea turtles?  Rees, AF; Alfaro-Shigueto, J; Barata, PCR; et al.
    27 March 2018Conflict between Dolphins and a Data-Scarce Fishery of the European Union  Snape, RTE; Broderick, AC; Çiçek, BA; et al.
    30 April 2014Detecting green shoots of recovery: The importance of long-term individual-based monitoring of marine turtles  Stokes, KL; Fuller, WJ; Glen, F; et al.
    28 May 2018Determinate or indeterminate growth? Revisiting the growth strategy of sea turtles  Omeyer, LCM; Fuller, WJ; Godley, BJ; et al.
    9 August 2019Diet-related selectivity of macroplastic ingestion in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the eastern Mediterranean  Duncan, E; Arrowsmith, JA; Bain, CE; et al.
    25 May 2021Dietary analysis of two sympatric marine turtle species in the eastern Mediterranean  Palmer, JL; Beton, D; Çiçek, BA; et al.
    29 January 2019The effect of biologging devices on reproduction, growth and survival of adult sea turtles  Omeyer, L; Fuller, WJ; Godley, B; et al.
    5 November 2014The effect of thermal variance on the phenotype of marine turtle offspring.  Horne, CR; Fuller, WJ; Godley, BJ; et al.
    6 February 2020Foraging ecology of Mediterranean juvenile loggerhead turtles: insights from C and N stable isotope ratios  Haywood, JC; Casale, P; Freggi, D; et al.
    21 November 2019The importance of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags for measuring life-history traits of sea turtles  Omeyer, LCM; Casale, P; Fuller, WJ; et al.
    10 May 2021Investigating differences in population recovery rates of two sympatrically nesting sea turtle species  Omeyer, LCM; Stokes, KL; Beton, D; et al.
    1 August 2018Mediterranean sea turtles: Current knowledge and priorities for conservation and research  Casale, P; Broderick, AC; Camiñas, JA; et al.
    4 December 2018Microplastic ingestion ubiquitous in marine turtles  Duncan, EM; Broderick, AC; Fuller, WJ; et al.
    12 February 2015Migratory corridors and foraging hotspots: Critical habitats identified for Mediterranean green turtles  Stokes, KL; Broderick, AC; Canbolat, AF; et al.
    29 March 2016Shelf life: Neritic habitat use of a turtle population highly threatened by fisheries  Snape, RTE; Broderick, AC; Çiçek, BA; et al.
    21 January 2020Spatial ecology of loggerhead turtles: Insights from stable isotope markers and satellite telemetry  Haywood, JC; Fuller, WJ; Godley, B; et al.