Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    22 August 2014Blobs and curves: object-based colocalisation for plant cells  Nelson, CJ; Duckney, P; Hawkins, TJ; et al.
    1 December 2017Photosynthesis-dependent H2O2 transfer from chloroplasts to nuclei provides a high-light signalling mechanism  Exposito-Rodriguez, M; Laissue, PP; Yvon-Durocher, G; et al.
    2 February 2018ROS-dependent signalling pathways in plants and algae exposed to high light: Comparisons with other eukaryotes  Mullineaux, PM; Exposito-Rodriguez, M; Laissue, PP; et al.
    4 May 2020Spatial chloroplast-to-nucleus signalling involving plastid–nuclear complexes and stromules  Mullineaux, PM; Exposito-Rodriguez, M; Laissue, PP; et al.