Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    21 January 2014Effects of Glyphosate and its Formulation, Roundup, on Reproduction in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)  Uren Webster, TM; Laing, LV; Florance, Hannah; et al.
    6 August 2013Global transcriptome profiling reveals molecular mechanisms of metal tolerance in a chronically exposed wild population of brown trout.  Uren Webster, TM; Bury, N; van Aerle, Ronny; et al.
    31 January 2015Global transcriptomic profiling demonstrates induction of oxidative stress and of compensatory cellular stress responses in brown trout exposed to glyphosate and Roundup.  Uren Webster, TM; Santos, EM
    1 March 2017Hepatic transcriptional responses to copper in the three-spined stickleback are affected by their pollution exposure history  Uren Webster, TM; Williams, TD; Katsiadaki, I; et al.
    3 March 2015The herbicide linuron inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis and induces cellular stress responses in brown trout.  Uren Webster, TM; Perry, MH; Santos, EM
    28 March 2016Hypoxia suppressed copper toxicity during early development in zebrafish embryos in a process mediated by the activation of the HIF signalling pathway.  Fitzgerald, JA; Jameson, HM; Dewar Fowler, VH; et al.
    1 September 2015Identification of conserved hepatic transcriptomic responses to 17β-estradiol using high-throughput sequencing in brown trout.  Uren Webster, TM; Shears, JA; Moore, K; et al.
    23 July 2018Near-future CO2 levels impair the olfactory system of a marine fish  Porteus, CS; Hubbard, PC; Uren Webster, TM; et al.
    12 April 2018Sex-specific transcription and DNA methylation profiles of reproductive and epigenetic associated genes in the gonads and livers of breeding zebrafish  Laing, LV; Viana, J; Dempster, E; et al.