Now showing items 41-60 of 1154

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    10 April 2015An alternative transdiagnostic mechanistic approach to affective disorders illustrated with research from clinical psychology  Watkins, E.R
    7 March 2018Altruism in a volatile world  Kennedy, P; Higginson, AD; Radford, AN; et al.
    27 October 2016Amygdala and dlPFC abnormalities, with aberrant connectivity and habituation in response to emotional stimuli in females with BPD.  Dudas, RB; Mole, TB; Morris, LS; et al.
    27 August 2018Analyses of ovarian activity reveal repeated evolution of post-reproductive lifespans in toothed whales  Ellis, S; Franks, D; Nattrass, S; et al.
    30 April 2018Animals in an online world; an evaluation of how zoological collections use social media  Rose, P; Hunt, K; Riley, L
    17 May 2021App-based food Go/No-Go training: User engagement and dietary intake in an opportunistic observational study.  Aulbach, MB; Knittle, K; van Beurden, SB; et al.
    30 October 2021App-based food-specific inhibitory control training as an adjunct to treatment as usual in binge-type eating disorders: A feasibility trial.  Keeler, JL; Chami, R; Cardi, V; et al.
    18 April 2017The application of statistical network models in disease research  Silk, MJ; Croft, DP; Delahay, RJ; et al.
    8 December 2021Approach direction prior to landing explains patterns of colour learning in bees  Langridge, K; Wilke, C; Riabinina, O; et al.
    26 July 2013Are the effects of response inhibition on gambling long-lasting? (article)  Verbruggen, Frederick; Adams, Rachel; van 't Wout, Felice; et al.
    6 May 2022Articulatory suppression during instruction encoding impedes performance in choice reaction time tasks.  van 't Wout, F; Jarrold, C
    11 February 2021ASIA: Automated social identity assessment using linguistic style  Koschate-Reis, M; Naserianhanzaei, E; Dickens, L; et al.
    20 June 2017Assessing inhibitory control in early-stage Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease using the Hayling Sentence Completion Test.  Martyr, A; Boycheva, E; Kudlicka, A
    8 July 2022Assessing trade-offs in avian behaviour using remotely collected data from a webcam  Wood, KA; Lacey, R; Rose, PE
    7 November 2016Assessment of pollen rewards by foraging bees  Nicholls, EK; Hempel de Ibarra, N
    4 October 2013Assessments of fighting ability need not be cognitively complex  Fawcett, TW; Mowles, SL
    15 March 2015The association between childhood maltreatment and emotion regulation: two different mechanisms contributing to depression?  O'Mahen, HA; Karl, A; Moberly, Nicholas J.; et al.
    1 May 2018The association between depression and eating styles in four European countries: The MooDFOOD prevention study.  Paans, NPG; Bot, M; Brouwer, IA; et al.
    1 February 2017The association between maternal postnatal depressive symptoms and offspring sleep problems in adolescence  Taylor, AK; Netsi, E; O'Mahen, H; et al.
    6 January 2014The association between perseverative negative cognitive processes and negative affect in people with long term conditions: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis  Trick, Leanne; Watkins, E.R; Dickens, Chris