Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    26 February 2021The acute effects of alcohol on state rumination in the laboratory (article)  Mollaahmetoglu, OM; Palmer, E; Maschauer, E; et al.
    23 March 2021The acute effects of alcohol on state rumination in the laboratory (dataset)  Mollaahmetoglu, OM; Palmer, E; Maschauer, E; et al.
    9 May 2018Alcohol use disorder symptoms are associated with greater relative value ascribed to alcohol, but not greater discounting of costs imposed on alcohol  Hogarth, L; Hardy, L
    6 November 2020Associations between the Brief Assessment of Alcohol Demand (BAAD) questionnaire and alcohol use disorder severity in UK samples of student and community drinkers  Hardy, L; Bakou, AE; Shuai, R; et al.
    30 August 2018A concurrent pictorial drug choice task marks multiple risk factors in treatment-engaged smokers and drinkers  Hardy, L; Parker, S; Hartley, L; et al.
    29 October 2017Depressive statements prime goal-directed alcohol-seeking in individuals who report drinking to cope with negative affect  Hogarth, L; Hardy, L
    15 April 2017Drug cue reactivity involves hierarchical instrumental learning: evidence from a biconditional Pavlovian to instrumental transfer task  Hardy, L; Mitchell, C; Seabrooke, T; et al.
    14 April 2018Evaluation of the Peninsula Alcohol and Violence Programme (PAVP) with violent offenders  Hardy, L; Josephy, K; McAndrew, A; et al.
    1 January 2019Negative mood induction increases choice of heroin versus food pictures in opiate-dependent individuals: Correlation with self-medication coping motives and subjective reactivity  Hogarth, L; Hardy, L; Bakou, A; et al.
    1 April 2018Negative mood-induced alcohol-seeking is greater in young adults who report depression symptoms, drinking to cope, and subjective reactivity  Hogarth, L; Hardy, L; Mathew, AR; et al.
    1 December 2017A novel concurrent pictorial choice model of mood-induced relapse in hazardous drinkers  Hardy, L; Hogarth, L
    18 October 2019Ultra-brief breath counting (mindfulness) training promotes recovery from stress-induced alcohol-seeking in student drinkers  Hogarth, L; Shuai, R; Bakou, A; et al.