Now showing items 1-20 of 3260

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    12 February 2024The 10,000- year biocultural history of fallow deer and its implications for conservation policy  Baker, KH; Miller, H; Doherty, S; et al.
    17 November 2016“$100 Is not much to you”: Open science and neglected accessibilities for scientific research in Africa  Bezuidenhout, L; Kelly, A; Leonelli, S; et al.
    1 September 2006The 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine  Pappé, I
    19 April 20022002: a justice odyssey  Economides, Kim
    2005The 2004 Ukrainian Orange Revolution  Sheppard, Andrew
    2010300 years of copyright law: a not so modest proposal for reform  Griffin, James G.H.
    30 April 20203D Printing and the Right to Privacy: Proposals for a Regulatory Framework  Jones, A; Griffin, J
    4 February 20193D printing: A sui generis right for the convergent technology  Griffin, JGH
    1 August 20243Rs of Sustainable Activism on Social Media: Relatability, Reliability and Redress  Luzak, J
    10 May 201650 Years of JBE: From science and environmental education to civic science  Dillon, J
    13 July 2023ABC of online consumer disclosure duties: Improving transparency and legal certainty in Europe  Luzak, J; Wulf, AJ; Seizov, O; et al.
    29 June 2010Aboriginal Sovereignty and the Politics of Reconciliation: The Constituent Power of the Aboriginal Embassy in Australia  Muldoon, Paul; Schaap, Andrew
    27 June 2022Absence, multiplicity and the boundaries of research? Reflections on online asynchronous focus groups  Estrada Jaramillo, AL; Michael, M; Farrimond, H
    10 April 2018Absent, yet present? Moving with ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’ in radiation protection research  Van Oudheusden, M; Turcanu, C; Molyneux-Hodgson, S
    1 October 2013Academic buoyancy and psychological risk: Exploring reciprocal relationships  Martin, AJ; Ginns, P; Brackett, MA; et al.
    26 July 2012Academic buoyancy in secondary school: Exploring patterns of convergence in English, mathematics, science, and physical education  Malmberg, L-E; Hall, J; Martin, AJ
    21 January 2015Academic buoyancy, student's achievement, and the linking role of control: A cross-lagged analysis of high school students  Collie, RJ; Martin, AJ; Malmberg, L-E; et al.
    4 February 2019Academisation of Schools in England and Placements of Pupils With Special Educational Needs: An Analysis of Trends, 2011–2017  Black, A; Bessudnov, A; Liu, Y; et al.
    1 September 2022Accelerating agriculture: Data-intensive plant breeding and the use of genetic gain as an indicator for agricultural research and development  Williamson, HF; Leonelli, S
    5 April 2017Accelerating the carbon cycle: the ethics of enhanced weathering  Lawford-Smith, H; Currie, A