Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    13 May 2013Raising Your Research Profile Through Open Access  Cole, Gareth; Evans, Jill; Lloyd-Jones, Hannah; et al.
    17 July 2013RDM Training and Guidance at the University of Exeter  Cole, Gareth; Lloyd-Jones, Hannah; Evans, Jill
    1 October 2012Realising the full potential of Open Access: How I learnt to stop worrying and love the RCUK policy  Neylon, Cameron
    8 May 2014Report on the Follow the Data PGR audit  Cole, Gareth
    4 February 2013Research Data Management  Cole, Gareth; Lloyd-Jones, Hannah; Evans, Jill
    1 December 2012Research Data Management  Bishop, Libby; Van Den Eynden, Veerle; Lloyd-Jones, Hannah
    19 September 2012Research Data Management in Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences: an Introduction to the Basics  Open Exeter Team
    2 October 2012Research Data Management in the Humanities: an Introduction to the Basics  Open Exeter Team
    19 September 2012Research Data Management in the Life and Environmental Sciences: an Introduction to the Basics  Open Exeter Team
    17 September 2012Research Data Management Survival Guide for New PhD Students  Atkinson, Stuart; Blanchette, Annie; Bremner, Philip; et al.
    25 October 2012Research Data Management Training and Guidance at the University of Exeter  Cole, Gareth; Evans, Jill; Lloyd-Jones, Hannah
    19 September 2012Research Data Management: The Basics  Open Exeter Team
    23 October 2012Research Excellence Framework 2014 and Open Access  Wykes, Michael