Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    1 March 20233D climate simulations of the Archean find that Methane has a strong cooling effect at high concentrations (article)  Eager-Nash, JK; Mayne, NJ; Nicholson, AE; et al.
    20 October 20233D simulations of the Archean Earth including photochemical haze profiles  Mak, MT; Mayne, NJ; Sergeev, DE; et al.
    29 July 2022Predicting biosignatures for nutrient limited biospheres  Nicholson, AE; Daines, SJ; Mayne, NJ; et al.
    29 April 2024Simulating biosignatures from pre-oxygen photosynthesising life on TRAPPIST-1e  Eager-Nash, JK; Daines, SJ; McDermott, JW; et al.