Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    4 December 2020Concept Stability Based Isolated Maximal Cliques Detection in Dynamic Social Networks  Gao, J; Hao, F; Yang, E; et al.
    11 September 2020Entity spatio-temporal evolution summarization in knowledge graphs  Yang, E; Hao, F; Gao, J; et al.
    17 December 2020Entity summarization in fuzzy knowledge graph based on fuzzy concept analysis  Yang, E; Hao, F; Gao, J; et al.
    24 October 2018Estimation of technical change and price elasticities: a categorical time–varying coefficient approach  Feng, G; Gao, J; Zhang, X
    27 August 2021Learning Concept Interestingness for Identifying Key Structures from Social Networks  Gao, J; Hao, F; Pei, Z; et al.
    11 July 2021Maximal Multipolarized Cliques Search in Signed Networks  Gao, J; Hao, F; Min, G; et al.
    9 November 2019On endogeneity and shape invariance in extended partially linear single index models  Gao, J; Kim, N; Saart, PW
    10 August 2021Skyline (λ,k)-Cliques Identification From Fuzzy Attributed Social Networks  Hao, F; Gao, J; Chen, J; et al.
    15 June 2021Stability of Three-way Concepts and Its Application to Natural Language Generation  Hao, F; Gao, J; Bisogni, C; et al.
    20 July 2017Variable selection for a categorical varying-coefficient model with identifications for determinants of Body Mass Index  Gao, J; Peng, B; Ren, Z; et al.
    1 January 2017A Varying-Coefficient Panel Data Model with Fixed Effects: Theory and An Application to U.S. Commercial Banks  Feng, G; Gao, J; Peng, B; et al.