Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    17 September 2018The critical role of second-order normative beliefs in predicting energy conservation  Jachimowicz, JM; Hauser, OP; O'Brien, JD; et al.
    27 April 2022Inequality in researchers’ minds: Four guiding questions for studying subjective perceptions of economic inequality  Jachimowicz, JM; Davidai, S; Goya-Tocchetto, D; et al.
    29 August 2022Measuring inequality beyond the Gini coefficient may clarify conflicting findings  Blesch, K; Hauser, O; Jachimowicz, JM
    5 August 2021My Boss’ Passion Matters as Much as My Own: The Interpersonal Dynamics of Passion are a Critical Driver of Performance Evaluations  Jachimowicz, JM; Wihler, A; Galinsky, AD
    28 January 2019People Use Less Energy When They Think Their Neighbors Care About the Environment  Jachimowicz, JM; Hauser, OP; O'Brien, J; et al.
    17 October 2016Proactivity can be a double-edged sword  Wihler, A; Jachimowicz, JM
    26 February 2019Reply to Guo et al. and Credé: Grit-S scale measures only perseverance, not passion, and its supposed subfactors are merely artifactors  Jachimowicz, JM; Wihler, A; Bailey, ER; et al.
    2024Selective insensitivity to income held by the richest  Szaszi, B; Habibnia, H; Tan, J; et al.
    2 October 2018Why grit requires perseverance and passion to positively predict performance  Jachimowicz, JM; Wihler, A; Bailey, ER; et al.