Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    5 June 2023AI and Blockchain Empowered Metaverse for Web 3.0: Vision, Architecture, and Future Directions  Zhang, X; Min, G; Li, T; et al.
    14 December 2021Cooperative Edge Caching Based on Temporal Convolutional Networks  Zhang, X; Qi, Z; Min, G; et al.
    19 April 2022Intelligent Video Ingestion for Real-time Traffic Monitoring  Zhang, X; Zhao, Y; Min, G; et al.
    12 March 2019A light-in-flight single-pixel camera for use in the visible and short-wave infrared  Johnson, SD; Phillips, DB; Ma, Z; et al.
    26 July 2021A Light-Weight Statistical Latency Measurement Platform at Scale  Zhang, X; Min, G; Fan, Q; et al.
    27 October 2022Prospects for monitoring bird migration along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway using weather radar  Shi, X; Hu, C; Soderholm, J; et al.
    22 December 2021QoE Models for Online Video Streaming  Zhang, R; Zhang, X; Guo, P; et al.