Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    15 October 2014Alternative Water Supply Systems  Memon, FA; Ward, S
    2010An annotated bibliography of tax compliance and compliance costs  James, Simon; Edwards, Alison
    18 February 2018Laboratórios Abertos 2018  Simao, D; Neves, A
    28 September 2021Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis  Böhm, S; Sullivan, S
    13 February 2013Party activists, campaign funding and the quality of government  Maloney, John; Pickering, Andrew C.
    13 December 2022Será Deseada: A graphic novel about experiences of abortion in Mexico  Jáuregui, G; Derbez, E; Freeman, C; et al.
    8 October 2021Será Deseada: Una Novela Gráfica Sobre Historias Cotidianas de Aborto  Jauregui, G; Derbez, E; Freeman, C; et al.
    20 October 2015Sustainable champions: how international companies are changing the face of business in China  Gosling, Jonathan; Jia, Fu; Witzel, Morgen
    1 May 2014The Tax Implications of Scottish Independence or Further Devolution  Frecknall-Hughes, J; James, SR; McIlwhan, R
    1 November 2008Transition to sustainability: towards a humane and diverse world  Adams, W.M.; Jeanrenaud, Sally