Now showing items 1-20 of 20

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    12 October 2009Mapping between UKLOM and DCTERMS  Abu-Zayed, Ahmed
    7 December 2009Open educational resources: A new creative space  Browne, Tom; Newcombe, Matthew
    22 August 2011Open STEM LabSpace unit  Cooper, Barrie; Clarke, Marge; Pye, Andy; et al.
    21 April 2010The Viking Age Scotland and the Irish Sea Provinces  Gore, Derek
    27 April 2010The Viking Age: England and Francia  Gore, Derek
    21 April 2010Educational Change and Continuity  Freathy, Rob
    14 April 2010Numbers, Symmetries and Groups  Cooper, Barrie
    21 April 2010Climatic and Oceanic Influences on Human Ecology  Carter, David
    21 April 2010Jesus, Paul and the Early Church  Little, Jim
    21 April 2010Economics of Social Policy  Wride, Alison
    21 April 2010Spatial Skills for Physical Geographers  Quine, Tim
    21 April 2010Leadership in Action  Adarves-Yorno, Inmaculada
    21 April 2010Environmental Geology  Merefield, John
    28 April 2010Introduction to Prehistory in Britain  Tuohy, Tina
    27 April 2010Town and Country in Roman Britain  Gore, Derek
    27 April 2010The English Countryside, Rural Life and Cultural Change, 1900-75  Jackson, Andrew
    21 April 2010Leadership and Teams  Adarves-Yorno, Inmaculada
    21 April 2010Archaeology of Medieval and Tudor Britain  Unknown author
    14 April 2010Intellectual Property Law and Policy  Griffin, James
    27 April 2010Business Project  Unknown author