Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    25 August 2022Assessing whether genetic scores explain extra variation in birthweight, when added to clinical and anthropometric measures  Haulder, M; Hughes, AE; Beaumont, RN; et al.
    18 December 2023Effects of physical activity and sedentary time on depression, anxiety and well-being: a bidirectional Mendelian randomisation study.  Casanova, F; O'Loughlin, J; Karageorgiou, V; et al.
    3 April 2023Genetic effects on the timing of parturition and links to fetal birth weight.  Solé-Navais, P; Flatley, C; Steinthorsdottir, V; et al.
    5 October 2023Genome-wide association study of placental weight identifies distinct and shared genetic influences between placental and fetal growth  Beaumont, RN; Flatley, C; Vaudel, M; et al.
    10 January 2024Hyperglycemia is a causal risk factor for upper limb pathologies  Green, HD; Burden, E; Chen, J; et al.
    21 September 2023Identification and analysis of individuals who deviate from their genetically-predicted phenotype  Hawkes, G; Yengo, L; Vedantam, S; et al.
    22 September 2022The impact of Mendelian sleep and circadian genetic variants in a population setting.  Weedon, MN; Jones, SE; Lane, JM; et al.
    2 October 2023Insights into the genetics of menopausal vasomotor symptoms: genome-wide analyses of routinely-collected primary care health records.  Ruth, KS; Beaumont, RN; Locke, JM; et al.
    25 October 2023Intrauterine Growth and Offspring Neurodevelopmental Traits: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis of the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)  D'Urso, S; Moen, G-H; Hwang, L-D; et al.
    3 October 2022Investigating a possible causal relationship between maternal serum urate concentrations and offspring birthweight: a Mendelian randomization study.  Decina, CS; Hopkins, R; Bowden, J; et al.
    15 January 2024Maternal plasma cortisol's effect on offspring birth weight: a Mendelian Randomisation study  Thompson, WD; Reynolds, RM; Beaumont, RN; et al.
    22 June 2023Penetrance of pathogenic genetic variants associated with premature ovarian insufficiency  Shekari, S; Stankovic, S; Gardner, EJ; et al.