Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    14 September 2023Influence of family history on penetrance of hereditary cancers in a population setting  Jackson, L; Weedon, MN; Green, HD; et al.
    2 October 2023Insights into the genetics of menopausal vasomotor symptoms: genome-wide analyses of routinely-collected primary care health records.  Ruth, KS; Beaumont, RN; Locke, JM; et al.
    20 July 2023Integrative Omics for Women’s Health  Murray, A; Ruth, KS
    22 June 2023Penetrance of pathogenic genetic variants associated with premature ovarian insufficiency  Shekari, S; Stankovic, S; Gardner, EJ; et al.