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dc.contributor.authorCasas Pardo, A
dc.description.abstractThis research investigates how psychoanalytically trained psychotherapists conceptualise the impact of sibling relationships on a person's psychic development and whether they implement these conceptualisations as part of their daily practice and the training of new professionals in the field. I interviewed seventeen analysts and analysts in training from the Peruvian Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. I used a constructivist grounded theory approach to build a conceptual framework enriched with the literature review. Reflexivity was implemented along the process. Most interviewees consider siblings as individuals who play a central role in any person's psychic development, therefore, are considered significant objects. Nonetheless, a conflict exists as to where to locate psychic representations of siblings about the Oedipal Complex and narcissistic development. Most participants accept a two-axis model of psychic development where the vertical axis concerns the relationship with the parents and the Oedipal complex. In contrast, the horizontal axis relates to siblings and the Fraternal complex. Juliet Mitchell’s contributions to the topic haven been presented and discussed. Clinical manifestations of sibling conflicts were shared, describing it as a widespread phenomenon throughout the whole life span but seldom brought as a manifest motive for consultation. Most participants acknowledged a connection between their interest in the topic and their personal history and commented on the scarce study of the theme throughout their training and supervision. They agree that it should be enhanced, and its absence is understood as a manifestation of sibling difficulties within psychoanalytic institutions. I propose a developmental line on sibling relationships to assess this axis of development and suggest that it might better understand a person's psychic development, enhancing psychoanalytic training, practice and research, considering several new areas proposed. Mutual enrichment between English and Spanish speaking authors is offered.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonI wish to publish papers using material that is substantially drawn from my thesisen_GB
dc.subjectsibling relationshipsen_GB
dc.subjectpsychic developmenten_GB
dc.subjectpsychoanalytic theory and practiceen_GB
dc.subjectpsychoanalytic trainingen_GB
dc.subjectgrounded theoryen_GB
dc.titleSibling relationships and their relevance to psychoanalytic work: a qualitative studyen_GB
dc.typeThesis or dissertationen_GB
dc.contributor.advisorSmithson, Janet
dc.contributor.advisorMizen, Richard
dc.contributor.advisorHolmes, Jeremy
dc.type.degreetitleDoctor of Clinical Practice
dc.type.qualificationnameDoctoral Thesis

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