Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    8 July 2022Comparing conservation and animal welfare professionals' perspectives on domestic cat management  Crowley, SL; DeGrange, L; Matheson, D; et al.
    26 September 2021Contributions of wild and provisioned foods to the diets of domestic cats that depredate wild animals  Cecchetti, M; Crowley, SL; Goodwin, CED; et al.
    21 October 2022Owner-ascribed personality profiles distinguish domestic cats that capture and bring home wild animal prey  Cecchetti, M; Crowley, SL; McDonald, J; et al.
    23 December 2022Social feasibility assessments in conservation translocations  Dando, TR; Crowley, SL; Young, RP; et al.
    1 December 2021Spatial behavior of domestic cats and the effects of outdoor access restrictions and interventions to reduce predation of wildlife  Cecchetti, M; Crowley, SL; Wilson‐Aggarwal, J; et al.
    13 February 2023Stakeholder discourse coalitions and polarisation in the hen harrier conservation debate in news media  Marino, F; Crowley, SL; Foley, NAW; et al.