Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
    20 January 2023Antibiotics that affect translation can antagonize phage infectivity by interfering with the deployment of counter-defenses  Pons, BJ; Dimitriu, T; Westra, ER; et al.
    10 January 2024CRISPR-Cas in Pseudomonas aeruginosa provides transient population-level immunity against high phage exposures  Watson, BNJ; Capria, L; Alseth, EO; et al.
    28 November 2022Determination of Acr-mediated immunosuppression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa  Pons, BJ; Westra, ER; van Houte, S
    20 January 2023Ecology and evolution of phages encoding anti-CRISPR proteins  Pons, BJ; van Houte, S; Westra, ER; et al.
    17 February 2024Multi-layered genome defences in bacteria  Agapov, A; Baker, KS; Bedekar, P; et al.
    5 June 2023The novel anti-phage system Shield co-opts an RmuC domain to mediate phage defense across Pseudomonas species  Macdonald, E; Wright, R; Connolly, JPR; et al.