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dc.contributor.authorAlhaisony, AGM
dc.description.abstractThis thesis contributes to the literary and cultural debates surrounding multiculturalism and questions of home and identity in contemporary Britain, using the British South Asian novel as a case study. Through close readings of six novels, including Maps For Lost Lovers (2004) by Nadeem Aslam, Londonstani (2006) by Gautam Malkani, The Year of Runaways (2015) by Sunjeev Sahota, Home Fire (2017) by Kamila Shamsie, Exit West (2017) by Mohsin Hamid, and In Our Mad and Furious City (2018) by Guy Gunaratne, the thesis brings theories of multiculturalism, class, and race into conversation with contemporary British South Asian fiction. It re-examines multiculturalism, as represented in the fiction, in light of recent key events that have catalysed its reconfigurations (e.g. 9/11, 7/7, the 2011 England riots and Brexit) alongside conceptual developments of notions of race, class, home and identity. Stuart Hall (1990) suggests that identity is constructed “within, not outside of, representation”, which indicates that literature plays a potentially important role in the public perception of identity (222). The thesis seeks to demonstrate that terms like diaspora, migrancy, hybridity and liminality do not fully capture the experience of multiculturalism as depicted in the selected novels. Whilst the thesis does not fully dismiss these terms, it redirects attention to critical, non-celebratory conceptions of multiculturalism. In so doing, it makes interventions into debates on multiculturalism. It shows how the UK government has tended to present multiculturalism as “a management exercise” (Mishra 2007, 133) through a “series of hesitant moves and recommendations”, which, as Peter Morey argues, it would be “hard to call […] a multicultural policy” (Morey 2018a, 5). It argues that theories of multiculturalism might become more 3 coherent if approached from specific theories of race, ethnicity, and class. Such mapping, as Vijay Mishra (2007) advocates, allows us to think more precisely about these theories, so that we can view multiculturalism as “a critical concept” rather than “a management exercise” (133). The thesis first sets out a theoretical framework by which to explore its central concerns with the modalities of representation of British South Asians in fiction and their engagement with ideas of home and identity that are always already inflected by the complexities of race, class, religion and multiculturalism. It then turns to the historical and socio-political contexts of diverse British South Asian experiences as they are depicted in the fiction. The research employs a mixed-method approach synthesising theories of multiculturalism, race, ethnicity, and class, with close readings of British South Asian fiction written between 2000 and 2020. In the process, this enables a critical re-evaluation of these theories (Gilroy 2004, Mishra 2007, Ahmed 2015). Finally, the thesis offers new ways of reading the various permutations of British South Asian identity as culturally diverse in contemporary literature produced by British South Asian authors.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Exeteren_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonThis thesis is embargoed until 01/Mar/2026 as the author is publishing their research as a book.en_GB
dc.titleHome, Belonging and Multiculturalism in Twenty-First-Century British South Asian Fictionen_GB
dc.typeThesis or dissertationen_GB
dc.contributor.advisorPoyner, Jane
dc.contributor.advisorStadtler, Florian
dc.publisher.departmentCollege of Humanities/ English Department
dc.type.degreetitlePhD in English
dc.type.qualificationnameDoctoral Thesis

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