A review of the success of the UK strategy to tackle the invasive insect Vespa velutina nigrithorax, the “Asian hornet”
Kennedy, PJ; Osborne, JL
Date: 27 June 2023
Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter
The UK’s strategy to prevent the establishment of the Asian hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax, and/or manage its presence and impacts is embedded within the UK’s generic strategy for invasive non-native species, but specifically informed by the non-native species risk assessment for Vespa velutina and the pest-specific contingency ...
The UK’s strategy to prevent the establishment of the Asian hornet, Vespa velutina nigrithorax, and/or manage its presence and impacts is embedded within the UK’s generic strategy for invasive non-native species, but specifically informed by the non-native species risk assessment for Vespa velutina and the pest-specific contingency plan for the Asian hornet. This report introduces relevant UK policies and legislation for invasive non-native species, before summarising the UK’s assessment of risk of entry, establishment and impact, and its rapid response plans addressing the Asian hornet’s periodic incursions in the UK. The report describes the effectiveness of those plans to manage and control the spread of the Asian hornet on the British mainland over the last seven years; and provides a reflection on the next steps required to ensure establishment is delayed as long as possible, while preparing for a time when the species may become established in the UK. The details may provide useful pointers for other European countries in which the Asian hornet is not yet established, but also incorporates suggestions for the UK based on actions from regions where the hornet has already become established.
Ecology and Conservation
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
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