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dc.contributor.authorAshby, Ben
dc.contributor.authorGupta, Sunetra
dc.contributor.authorBuckling, Angus
dc.description.abstractUnderstanding how parasites adapt to changes in host resistance is crucial to evolutionary epidemiology. Experimental studies have demonstrated that parasites are more capable of adapting to gradual, rather than sudden changes in host phenotype, as the latter may require multiple mutations that are unlikely to arise simultaneously. A key, but as yet unexplored factor is precisely how interactions between mutations (epistasis) affect parasite evolution. Here, we investigate this phenomenon in the context of infectivity range, where parasites may experience selection to infect broader sets of genotypes. When epistasis is strongly positive, we find that parasites are unlikely to evolve broader infectivity ranges if hosts exhibit sudden, rather than gradual changes in phenotype, in close agreement with empirical observations. This is due to a low probability of fixing multiple mutations that individually confer no immediate advantage. When epistasis is weaker, parasites are more likely to evolve broader infectivity ranges if hosts make sudden changes in phenotype, which can be explained by a balance between mutation supply and selection. Thus, we demonstrate that both the rate of phenotypic change in hosts and the form of epistasis between mutations in parasites are crucial in shaping the evolution of infectivity range. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipBiotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVolume 68, Issue 10, pages 2972–2982, October 2014en_GB
dc.subjectHost-parasite coevolutionen_GB
dc.subjectInfectivity rangeen_GB
dc.subjectinfectivity rangeen_GB
dc.subjectmultiple mutationsen_GB
dc.titleEffects of epistasis on infectivity range during host-parasite coevolutionen_GB
dc.descriptiontypes: JOURNAL ARTICLEen_GB
dc.descriptionOpen access article freely available in ORE or by following the DOI above. Please site the published version.en_GB

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