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dc.contributor.authorMacLean, D
dc.contributor.authorStudholme, DJ
dc.description.abstractThe Type III secretion system (TTSS) is a protein secretion machinery used by certain gram-negative bacterial pathogens of plants and animals to deliver effector molecules to the host and is at the core of the ability to cause disease. Extensive molecular and biochemical study has revealed the components and their interactions within this system but reductive approaches do not consider the dynamical properties of the system as a whole. In order to gain a better understanding of these dynamical behaviours and to create a basis for the refinement of the experimentally derived knowledge we created a Boolean model of the regulatory interactions within the hrp regulon of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato strain DC3000 Pseudomonas syringae. We compared simulations of the model with experimental data and found them to be largely in accordance, though the hrpV node shows some differences in state changes to that expected. Our simulations also revealed interesting dynamical properties not previously predicted. The model predicts that the hrp regulon is a biologically stable two-state system, with each of the stable states being strongly attractive, a feature indicative of selection for a tightly regulated and responsive system. The model predicts that the state of the GacS/GacA node confers control, a prediction that is consistent with experimental observations that the protein has a role as master regulator. Simulated gene "knock out" experiments with the model predict that HrpL is a central information processing point within the network.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipGatsby Charitable Foundationen_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 5, pp. e9101en_GB
dc.publisherPublic Library of Scienceen_GB
dc.rightsThis is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.en_GB
dc.subjectBacterial Proteinsen_GB
dc.subjectComputer Simulationen_GB
dc.subjectGene Knockout Techniquesen_GB
dc.subjectGene Regulatory Networksen_GB
dc.subjectModels, Geneticen_GB
dc.subjectPseudomonas syringaeen_GB
dc.subjectTranscription Factorsen_GB
dc.titleA Boolean model of the Pseudomonas syringae hrp regulon predicts a tightly regulated system.en_GB
dc.identifier.issn1932-6203 States
dc.descriptionJournal Articleen_GB
dc.descriptionResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'ten_GB
dc.descriptionCopyright: © 2010 MacLean, Studholme.en_GB
dc.identifier.journalPLoS Oneen_GB

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