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dc.contributor.authorMulder, NJ
dc.contributor.authorApweiler, R
dc.contributor.authorAttwood, TK
dc.contributor.authorBairoch, A
dc.contributor.authorBateman, A
dc.contributor.authorBinns, D
dc.contributor.authorBradley, P
dc.contributor.authorBork, P
dc.contributor.authorBucher, P
dc.contributor.authorCerutti, L
dc.contributor.authorCopley, R
dc.contributor.authorCourcelle, E
dc.contributor.authorDas, U
dc.contributor.authorDurbin, R
dc.contributor.authorFleischmann, W
dc.contributor.authorGough, J
dc.contributor.authorHaft, D
dc.contributor.authorHarte, N
dc.contributor.authorHulo, N
dc.contributor.authorKahn, D
dc.contributor.authorKanapin, A
dc.contributor.authorKrestyaninova, M
dc.contributor.authorLonsdale, D
dc.contributor.authorLopez, R
dc.contributor.authorLetunic, I
dc.contributor.authorMadera, M
dc.contributor.authorMaslen, J
dc.contributor.authorMcDowall, J
dc.contributor.authorMitchell, A
dc.contributor.authorNikolskaya, AN
dc.contributor.authorOrchard, S
dc.contributor.authorPagni, M
dc.contributor.authorPonting, CP
dc.contributor.authorQuevillon, E
dc.contributor.authorSelengut, J
dc.contributor.authorSigrist, CJ
dc.contributor.authorSilventoinen, V
dc.contributor.authorStudholme, DJ
dc.contributor.authorVaughan, R
dc.contributor.authorWu, CH
dc.description.abstractInterPro, an integrated documentation resource of protein families, domains and functional sites, was created to integrate the major protein signature databases. Currently, it includes PROSITE, Pfam, PRINTS, ProDom, SMART, TIGRFAMs, PIRSF and SUPERFAMILY. Signatures are manually integrated into InterPro entries that are curated to provide biological and functional information. Annotation is provided in an abstract, Gene Ontology mapping and links to specialized databases. New features of InterPro include extended protein match views, taxonomic range information and protein 3D structure data. One of the new match views is the InterPro Domain Architecture view, which shows the domain composition of protein matches. Two new entry types were introduced to better describe InterPro entries: these are active site and binding site. PIRSF and the structure-based SUPERFAMILY are the latest member databases to join InterPro, and CATH and PANTHER are soon to be integrated. InterPro release 8.0 contains 11 007 entries, representing 2573 domains, 8166 families, 201 repeats, 26 active sites, 21 binding sites and 20 post-translational modification sites. InterPro covers over 78% of all proteins in the Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL components of UniProt. The database is available for text- and sequence-based searches via a webserver (, and for download by anonymous FTP (
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Commissionen_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 33, pp. D201 - D205en_GB
dc.identifier.grantnumberProFuSe grant (number QLG2-CT-2000-00517)en_GB
dc.identifier.grantnumberIntegr8 grant (number QLRICT-CT-2001000015)en_GB
dc.publisherOxford University Press (OUP)en_GB
dc.rightsThe online version of this article has been published under an open access model. Users are entitled to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the open access version of this article for non-commercial purposes provided that: the original authorship is properly and fully attributed; the Journal and Oxford University Press are attributed as the original place of publication with the correct citation details given; if an article is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a derivative work this must be clearly indicated. For commercial re-use permissions, please contact
dc.subjectDatabases, Proteinen_GB
dc.subjectProtein Structure, Tertiaryen_GB
dc.subjectSequence Alignmenten_GB
dc.subjectSequence Analysis, Proteinen_GB
dc.subjectSystems Integrationen_GB
dc.titleInterPro, progress and status in 2005.en_GB
dc.descriptionJournal Articleen_GB
dc.descriptionResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'ten_GB
dc.descriptionCopyright © 2005, the authorsen_GB
dc.identifier.journalNucleic Acids Researchen_GB

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