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dc.contributor.authorConnor, Peter M.
dc.contributor.authorMitchell, Catherine
dc.description.abstractExecutive Summary: This document has been prepared as part of the SUSTELNET programme. It aims to outline the beginnings of a regulatory roadmap for the UK, as a precursor to a more advanced set of descriptors, and as an eventual contributor to an overall roadmap for the EU. The main objective of this document is to develop a regulatory road map for the UK’s transition to an electricity market and network structure that creates a level playing field between centralised and decentralised generation and network development. In the short term this will generally mean removing prejudicial barriers to distributed generation within economic regulation. Sustelnet does not address support mechanisms which ‘tilt’ economic regulation in favour of sustainable energy or within markets and networks. This does not mean that some Sustelnet members do not agree with ‘tilting’, merely that Sustelnet addresses only ‘neutral’ regulation. The document can be regarded as an attempt to address the specific issues and barriers raised by an earlier review1 of the UK situation which described the relationship between economic regulation and distributed generation (DG) [...]en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Commission under the 5th RTD Framework Programmeen_GB
dc.identifier.citationReport for the SUSTELNET project: Policy and Regulatory Roadmaps for the Integration of Distributed Generation and the Development of Sustainable Electricity Networksen_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Warwicken_GB
dc.titleA Regulatory Roadmap for the UK: Road Map for Transition of the Regulatory Framework of the UK Electricity Supply Systemen_GB

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