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dc.contributor.authorBaker, Matthew J.
dc.contributor.authorDaniels, S.
dc.contributor.authorYoung, Philippe G.
dc.contributor.authorTabor, Gavin
dc.description.abstractWhen analysing packed beds using CFD approaches, producing an accurate geometry is often challenging. Often a computational model is produced from non-invasive imaging of the packed bed using 3d MRI or μ-CT. This work pioneers the exact reverse of this, by creating a physical bed from the computational model using Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM). The paper focuses on both experimental analysis and computational analysis of packed columns of spheres. A STL file is generated of a packed column formed using a Monte-Carlo packing algorithm, and this is meshed and analysed using Computational Fluid Dynamics. In addition to this, a physical model is created using ALM on a 3d printer. This allows us to analyse the identical bed geometry both computationally and experimentally and compare the two. Pressure drop and flow patterns are analysed within the bed in detail. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 67, pp. 159 - 165en_GB
dc.subjectPacked Beden_GB
dc.subjectPressure dropen_GB
dc.subjectPorous mediaen_GB
dc.subjectFluid mechanicsen_GB
dc.subjectComputational fluid dynamicsen_GB
dc.titleInvestigation of flow through a computationally generated packed column using CFD and additive layer manufacturingen_GB
dc.descriptionPreprint submitted to Computers and Chemical Engineering 18 March 2014. © The Authorsen_GB
dc.descriptionThe version of record is available from the publisher via doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2014.04.005.en_GB
dc.identifier.journalComputers and Chemical Engineeringen_GB

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