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dc.contributor.authorMartins, DL
dc.contributor.authorSchietti, J
dc.contributor.authorFeldpausch, T.R.
dc.contributor.authorLuizão, FJ
dc.contributor.authorPhillips, OL
dc.contributor.authorAndrade, A
dc.contributor.authorCastilho, CV
dc.contributor.authorLaurance, SG
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, Á
dc.contributor.authorAmaral, IL
dc.contributor.authorToledo, JJ
dc.contributor.authorLugli, LF
dc.contributor.authorVeiga Pinto, JLP
dc.contributor.authorOblitas Mendoza, EM
dc.contributor.authorQuesada, CA
dc.description.abstract© 2014, © 2014 Botanical Society of Scotland and Taylor & Francis. Background: Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an essential component in tropical forest ecosystems and its quantity varies widely with forest types. Aims: Relationships among CWD, soil, forest structure and other environmental factors were analysed to understand the drivers of variation in CWD in forests on different soil types across central Amazonia. Methods: To estimate CWD stocks and density of dead wood debris, 75 permanent forest plots of 0.5 ha in size were assessed along a transect that spanned ca. 700 km in undisturbed forests from north of the Rio Negro to south of the Rio Amazonas. Soil physical properties were evaluated by digging 2-m-deep pits and by taking auger samples. Results: Soil physical properties were the best predictors of CWD stocks; 37% of its variation was explained by effective soil depth. CWD stocks had a two-fold variation across a gradient of physical soil constraints (i.e. effective soil depth, anoxia and soil structure). Average biomass per tree was related to physical soil constraints, which, in turn, had a strong relationship with local CWD stocks. Conclusions: Soil physical properties appear to control average biomass per tree (and through this affect forest structure and dynamics), which, in turn, is correlated with CWD production and stocks.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 8, pp. 229 - 241en_GB
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisen_GB
dc.titleSoil-induced impacts on forest structure drive coarse woody debris stocks across central Amazoniaen_GB
dc.descriptionJournal Articleen_GB
dc.identifier.journalPlant Ecology and Diversityen_GB

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