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dc.contributor.authorKing, RA
dc.contributor.authorHillman, R
dc.contributor.authorElsmere, P
dc.contributor.authorStockley, B
dc.contributor.authorStevens, JR
dc.description.abstractFor effective management, information on the stock composition of a fishery is essential. Here, the utility of a resident trout, Salmon trutta L, microsatellite baseline to determine the origins of sea trout entering the rivers Tamar, Tavy and Lynher in south-west England is highlighted – all share a common estuary and have major runs of sea trout. There is a high degree of geographical structuring of the genetic variation in the baseline rivers. Testing with simulated and real data sets showed fish can be assigned to reporting group with a high degree of accuracy. Mixed stock analysis of >1000 sea trout showed that fish entering the Tamar and Tavy constituted mixed stocks. Significantly, in the Tamar, non-natal origin sea trout are restricted to the lower catchment. As well as providing insight into sea trout behaviour, this study also has important implications for the management of recreational rod and line fisheries.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research forms part of the Atlantic AquaticResource Conservation (AARC) project and was funded via the European Union 2007–2013 Atlantic Area Pro-gramme, an INTERREG III B initiat ive; additional funding for this project was provided by the Atlantic SalmonTrust.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 23, pp. 376 - 389en_GB
dc.rights.embargoreasonPublisher Policyen_GB
dc.subjectgenetic stock identificationen_GB
dc.subjectrecreational fisheryen_GB
dc.titleInvestigating patterns of straying and mixed stock exploitation of sea trout, Salmo trutta, in rivers sharing an estuary in south-west Englanden_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.
dc.identifier.journalFisheries Management and Ecologyen_GB

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