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dc.contributor.authorKhalid, F
dc.contributor.authorThies, PR
dc.contributor.authorJohanning, L
dc.description.abstractThe UK has ambitious plans to harness its available tidal stream resource, estimated at 95TWh/year by The Crown Estate (2013). The economic viability of large-scale deployments will be largely governed by aspects of plant availability, including reliability. Using available information on environmental parameters of (pre-) consented sites across the UK, this paper explores subassembly target reliability levels for tidal stream devices. Reliability models of devices are investigated to establish the influence of environmental site conditions with regard to underlying subassembly failure rates and target reliability levels. Hence, a relia-bility-focussed perspective on the planned deployments is presented.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationRENEW 2016: 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshoreen_GB
dc.identifier.citationProgress in Renewable Energies Offshore: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW2016), Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 October 2016
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis (CRC Press)
dc.rights.embargoreasonPublisher policyen_GB
dc.subjecttidal stream energyen_GB
dc.subjectfailure rate adjustmenten_GB
dc.subjectmetocean parametersen_GB
dc.subjectreliability target levelsen_GB
dc.titleReliability assessment of tidal stream energy: significance for large-scale deployment in the UKen_GB
dc.typeConference paperen_GB
dc.descriptionThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from CRC Pressen_GB

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