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dc.contributor.authorter Steege, H
dc.contributor.authorPitman, NCA
dc.contributor.authorSabatier, D
dc.contributor.authorBaraloto, C
dc.contributor.authorSalomão, RP
dc.contributor.authorGuevara, JE
dc.contributor.authorPhillips, OL
dc.contributor.authorCastilho, CV
dc.contributor.authorMagnusson, WE
dc.contributor.authorMolino, J-F
dc.contributor.authorMonteagudo, A
dc.contributor.authorNúñez Vargas, P
dc.contributor.authorMontero, JC
dc.contributor.authorFeldpausch, TR
dc.contributor.authorHoronado, ENH
dc.contributor.authorKilleen, TJ
dc.contributor.authorMostacedo, B
dc.contributor.authorVasquez, R
dc.contributor.authorAssis, RL
dc.contributor.authorTerborgh, J
dc.contributor.authorWittmann, F
dc.contributor.authorAndrade, A
dc.contributor.authorLaurance, WF
dc.contributor.authorLaurance, SGW
dc.contributor.authorMarimon, BS
dc.contributor.authorMarimon, B-H
dc.contributor.authorGuimarães Vieira, IC
dc.contributor.authorAmaral, IL
dc.contributor.authorBrienen, R
dc.contributor.authorCastellanos, H
dc.contributor.authorCárdenas López, D
dc.contributor.authorDuivenvoorden, JF
dc.contributor.authorMogollón, HF
dc.contributor.authorMatos, FDDA
dc.contributor.authorDávila, N
dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Villacorta, R
dc.contributor.authorStevenson Diaz, PR
dc.contributor.authorCosta, F
dc.contributor.authorEmilio, T
dc.contributor.authorLevis, C
dc.contributor.authorSchietti, J
dc.contributor.authorSouza, P
dc.contributor.authorAlonso, A
dc.contributor.authorDallmeier, F
dc.contributor.authorMontoya, AJD
dc.contributor.authorFernandez Piedade, MT
dc.contributor.authorAraujo-Murakami, A
dc.contributor.authorArroyo, L
dc.contributor.authorGribel, R
dc.contributor.authorFine, PVA
dc.contributor.authorPeres, CA
dc.contributor.authorToledo, M
dc.contributor.authorAymard C, GA
dc.contributor.authorBaker, TR
dc.contributor.authorCerón, C
dc.contributor.authorEngel, J
dc.contributor.authorHenkel, TW
dc.contributor.authorMaas, P
dc.contributor.authorPetronelli, P
dc.contributor.authorStropp, J
dc.contributor.authorZartman, CE
dc.contributor.authorDaly, D
dc.contributor.authorNeill, D
dc.contributor.authorSilveira, M
dc.contributor.authorParedes, MR
dc.contributor.authorChave, J
dc.contributor.authorLima Filho, DDA
dc.contributor.authorJørgensen, PM
dc.contributor.authorFuentes, A
dc.contributor.authorSchöngart, J
dc.contributor.authorCornejo Valverde, F
dc.contributor.authorDi Fiore, A
dc.contributor.authorJimenez, EM
dc.contributor.authorPeñuela Mora, MC
dc.contributor.authorPhillips, JF
dc.contributor.authorRivas, G
dc.contributor.authorvan Andel, TR
dc.contributor.authorvon Hildebrand, P
dc.contributor.authorHoffman, B
dc.contributor.authorZent, EL
dc.contributor.authorMalhi, Y
dc.contributor.authorPrieto, A
dc.contributor.authorRudas, A
dc.contributor.authorRuschell, AR
dc.contributor.authorSilva, N
dc.contributor.authorVos, V
dc.contributor.authorZent, S
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, AA
dc.contributor.authorSchutz, AC
dc.contributor.authorGonzales, T
dc.contributor.authorTrindade Nascimento, M
dc.contributor.authorRamirez-Angulo, H
dc.contributor.authorSierra, R
dc.contributor.authorTirado, M
dc.contributor.authorUmaña Medina, MN
dc.contributor.authorvan der Heijden, G
dc.contributor.authorVela, CIA
dc.contributor.authorVilanova Torre, E
dc.contributor.authorVriesendorp, C
dc.contributor.authorWang, O
dc.contributor.authorYoung, KR
dc.contributor.authorBaider, C
dc.contributor.authorBalslev, H
dc.contributor.authorFerreira, C
dc.contributor.authorMesones, I
dc.contributor.authorTorres-Lezama, A
dc.contributor.authorUrrego Giraldo, LE
dc.contributor.authorZagt, R
dc.contributor.authorAlexiades, MN
dc.contributor.authorHernandez, L
dc.contributor.authorHuamantupa-Chuquimaco, I
dc.contributor.authorMilliken, W
dc.contributor.authorPalacios Cuenca, W
dc.contributor.authorPauletto, D
dc.contributor.authorValderrama Sandoval, E
dc.contributor.authorValenzuela Gamarra, L
dc.contributor.authorDexter, KG
dc.contributor.authorFeeley, K
dc.contributor.authorLopez-Gonzalez, G
dc.contributor.authorSilman, MR
dc.description.abstractThe vast extent of the Amazon Basin has historically restricted the study of its tree communities to the local and regional scales. Here, we provide empirical data on the commonness, rarity, and richness of lowland tree species across the entire Amazon Basin and Guiana Shield (Amazonia), collected in 1170 tree plots in all major forest types. Extrapolations suggest that Amazonia harbors roughly 16,000 tree species, of which just 227 (1.4%) account for half of all trees. Most of these are habitat specialists and only dominant in one or two regions of the basin. We discuss some implications of the finding that a small group of species--less diverse than the North American tree flora--accounts for half of the world's most diverse tree community.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by Alberta Mennega Stichting; ALCOA Suriname; Banco de la República; Center for Agricultural Research in Suriname; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Plano Nacional de Pós-Graduação); Conselho Nacional de Desenvovimento Científico e Tecnológico of Brazil (CNPq) projects Programa de Pesquisas Ecológicas de Longa Duração (PELD) (558069/2009-6), Programa de Apoio a Núcleos de Excelência da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (PRONEX-FAPEAM) (1600/2006), Áreas Úmidas, and MAUA; PELD (403792/2012-6), PPBio, CENBAM, Universal (479599/2008-4), and Universal 307807-2009-6; Fundação de Amparo À Pesquisa Do Estado Do Amazonas (APEAM) projects DCR/2006, Hidroveg with FAPESP, and PRONEX with CNPq; FAPESP; Colciencias; Duke University; Ecopetrol; FEPIM 044/2003; the Field Museum; Conservation International/DC (TEAM/INPA Manuas), Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; Guyana Forestry Commission; Investissement d’Avenir grant of the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (Centre d’Étude de la Biodiversité Amazonienne ANR-10-LABX-0025); Margaret Mee Amazon Trust; Miquel fonds; National Geographic Society (7754-04, 8047-06 to P.M.J.); Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research WOTRO grants WB85- 335 and W84-581; Primate Conservation Incorporated; Programme Ecosystèmes Tropicaux (French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development; Shell Prospecting and Development Peru; Smithsonian Institution’s Biological Diversity of the Guiana Shield Program; Stichting het van Eeden-fonds; the Body Shop; the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador; TROBIT; Tropenbos International; NSF (NSF-0743457 and NSF-0101775 to P.M.J.); USAID; Variety Woods Guyana; WWF-Brazil; WWF-Guianas; XIIéme Contrat de Plan Etat Région-Guyane (French Government and European Union); and grants to RAINFOR from the European Union, UK Natural Environment Research Council, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and U.S. National Geographic Society. O.L.P. is supported by a European Research Council Advanced Grant and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award.en_GB
dc.identifier.citationVol. 342, No. 6156, Article no. 1243092en_GB
dc.publisherAmerican Association for the Advancement of Scienceen_GB
dc.rightsThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Association for the Advancement of Science via the DOI in this record.en_GB
dc.subjectModels, Biologicalen_GB
dc.subjectSouth Americaen_GB
dc.titleHyperdominance in the Amazonian tree floraen_GB
dc.identifier.issn0036-8075 Statesen_GB

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